Thursday, June 21, 2012

NETOOX Dashboard

With this new feature, you get the ultimate overview of all the important things happening in your NETOOX account!

  • Contacts' activities (New contacts, Online Info starts & finishes, ..)
  • Updates in your networks (New teampartners, charts, ..)
  • News in your groups (New wall postings, ..)
  • Your appointments of the day
  • Your NETOOX service (incl. early warning system)
  • and more...

To open the NETOOX Dashboard, simply click the NETOOX logo left of the main menu!

Your NETOOX Team

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Adressbuch Änderungen | Address Book Changes

[GERMAN]     (see ENGLISH below!)

Wir haben in den letzten Wochen an einigen Umbauten im Hintergrund gearbeitet, um NETOOX noch flexibler für die Zukunft zu machen. Eine davon bewirkt auch eine Änderung des Adressbuchs. Hier erfährst du mehr:

NETOOX ist ein optimiertes Werkzeug für jeden im Network und Multi Level Marketing. Dabei typisch  ist, dass man generell 3 verschiedene Arten von Kontakten im Adressbuch gespeichert hat:

  1. Geschäftsinteressenten ... Interesse an der Geschäftsmöglichkeit, die du bietest
  2. Produktinteressenten / Kunden ... Interesse an oder Anwender deiner Produkte
  3. "Einfache" Kontakte ... Freunde, Familie, persönliche Kontakte, ...
Diese 3 Kontakttypen sind eigentlich sehr ähnlich: Jeder davon könnte an einer Online Info Interesse haben, du möchtest Termine mit ihr/ihm vereinbaren, du musst personalisierte E-Mails versenden u.s.w.

Daher haben wir nun gewisse Dinge umgestellt um die Kontaktverwaltung noch klarer zu machen:

Adressbuch Filter vorher:

Jetzt: Einfach!

Wie zuvor auch, werden die verschiedenen Profile als Registerkarten angezeigt wo du nun auch den Profilstatus (Interessent, Aktiv, Passiv) einstellen kannst:

Um ein weiteres Profil hinzuzufügen, klicke auf die Registerkarte mit dem + Symbol (wenn verfügbar).
Du kannst ein Profil nun auch löschen (Achtung: gespeicherte Daten des Profils wie z.B. Online-Info-Fortschritt, Recruiting-Quelle und dgl. werden dabei unwiderruflich gelöscht). 

Zusätzlich kannst du nun auch Online Infos für "einfache" Kontakte anlegen - genau wie du das auch für Geschäfts- und Produktinteressenten machst.

Noch ein Hinweis: Das alte "Produktziele"-Feld wurde in den Betreuungsverlauf transferiert. So kannst du nun sogar dein Adressbuch nach Kunden mit spezifischen Zielen durchsuchen - besonders praktisch um z.B. Newsletter an Zielgruppen zu senden!



We have been working on some significant refactoring in the background to make NETOOX even more flexible for the future. One of these changes also has an impact on the address book front end you are already using. Here's how:

NETOOX is a very nifty tool for anyone in network and multi level marketing who typically has 3 major types of contacts stored in the address book:
  1. Business leads ... interested in the business opportunity you have to offer
  2. Product leads / Customers ... interested in or already using your products
  3. "Simple" contacts ... friends, family, people you know personally, ...
These 3 types are actually very similar: Each one might be interested in an Online Info, you might want to schedule appointments with him/her, you need to send out personalized EMails and so on.

That's why we changed a few things around to make contact management task more straight forward:

Address book filter before:

Now: Easy!

Like before, the different profiles (like business, product, ...) are shown as tabs where you can now also find the profile "status": Lead, Active or Passive

To add another profile, click the + tab (if available).
You can now also delete a profile (Attention: saved profile information like the Online Info progress, recruiting source and so on are deleted permanently).

Additionally, you can now also create Online Infos for "simple contacts" the same way you do for business and product leads. 

Also note: The old "product goals" field has been transferred to the contact history. This way you can now even search your address book for customers with specific goals. This is very cool for example to send out newsletters to specific target groups!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Statistical Evaluations for Your Forms

The "Forms" module in your NETOOX account gives you the possibility to create forms and then collect structured data right in the contact history of your address book entries.

Now you can easily create statistical evaluations of the collected data!

First let's look at how to create and use forms:

1) Create your own forms for whatever data you would like to collect. The easy form-editor allows you to add and edit form fields and re-arrange the form using drag & drop. You can create fields with many different data types (texts, numbers, dates, checkboxes, radio buttons, dropdown lists). For fields with selectable options you can also edit and re-arrange the possible values quickly and easily. Once you are happy with your form, you can collect data in your address book.

Form Editor

2) When you are a member of one or several groups, they can also provide forms for you. You can start collecting data using those forms right away.

You can now open a contact in your NETOOX address book and fill out the form:

Collect data in form
You can fill out a form as many times as you like. E.g. if you collect the body weight of your customers, you might want to save the weight once every week: Simply fill out the same form many times. No matter which form or how many times you fill it out, it all gets stored in the contact history and you can also find and filter your address book entries according to forms.

Collected form data in contact history

Data Evaluation

Once you have collected some data, the evaluation feature allows you to get statistics and charts. Here are some samples of a (German) weight loss form:

Evaluating single contact with body weight chart

Evaluating selected options (e.g. checkboxes, dropdown)

Note that you can evaluate the data for a single contact (e.g. change of body weight over time) OR for a list of contacts (e.g. "how many people like the chocolate flavor"). You can also nicely print out the stats to give to your customers or file offline.

With this tool it is very easy to quickly get an overview and statistically evaluate the structured data you collect. The online help page of the evaluation feature explains all details, features and switches you can use to optimize the calculations and visualizations to match your needs (here it is as a PDF).

If you don't have a NETOOX account yet, get yours here.

Have a great day,
Your NETOOX Team

Friday, June 1, 2012

Public Group News & Feeds

Group contents are only visible to group members - except for the group's dashboard. Here you can describe your group and interested people can get a quick overview what your group has to offer. That includes, for example, the amount of wiki pages, EMail templates, forms, online infos, homepage previews and so on.

Now you can also publish news on the group's dashboard: Simply mark a wall posting as "news" and it will show up on the public group dashboard for everyone to see! Even with voice and video messages :)

1) Mark posting as news:
2) It shows up on the group's dashboard:

Note: The possibility to mark postings as news is available for all "postings admins" (see the group membership's admin rights options).

News are shown on the group's dashboard on the right side. With this new feature you can show off the most important things happening in your group which will help you in marketing your group to get more members to join. Remember: These news are public, for every user to see.

All group news are also available via public news feeds! Click the "Subscribe" link on the dashboard (next to the title "News") to get the feed for this group or right-click and copy the feed-address to send to your contacts.

We wish you many thousands of group members!
Your NETOOX Team