Wednesday, November 28, 2012

NEW: Post Files on Group Wall

With the latest update we introduced a special new feature that lets group members post file-attachments on the group's wall!

Simply drag & drop the files you wish to attach to your posting onto the designated area, write your message and submit everything.

Group members will get nice previews of images, can play audio and video files, open and download files using the download-icon underneath each file:

Special note: NETOOX has a built-in video platform that automatically converts each audio and video file you upload, so that these files can be played within the browser and without any Flash player or plugin! NETOOX audio and video files use state-of-the-art HTML5 technology, even work on iPhones, iPads, Android and other smart phones/tablets and there are NO annoying commercials overlaying or at the end of videos. Awesome!


The new NETOOX Audio/Video System is now also fully integrated into the group Wiki. So you can upload and embed A/V files there as well!

Thursday, November 22, 2012


Today's post is a summary of some of the new features in your NETOOX Online Swiss Army Knife.


Being one of the biggest new features, group admins can now manage a list of events. Group members can send out event invitations to address book entries. A special new placeholder was introduced that can be used in eMail templates and will be replaced by the event's information upon eMail delivery. 

Also: Events can have file attachments which will be sent along with the outbound eMails (e.g. detailed description of event, hotel, how to get there, ...).
In the eMail dialogs (single or mass mail) you can select which event you wish to have inserted. NETOOX will even adjust the times according to the timezone settings of the event and the recipients!

Country in Recruiting Forms

Leads can now also select their home country in all NETOOX recruiting forms (embedded forms and NETOOX homepage designs). This new field is also pre-selected according to the visitor's origin. Knowing the country of a new lead can, for example, help determine the correct phone number if no country code has been given!

Address Book: vCard & QR-Code

Now you can download a vCard file (.vcf) of any contact from your address book and even scan a special QR-Code with your smart phone to quickly get the contact info into your phone's address book!

Invoicing: Read Receipt

All users of the "Invoicing" module will appreciate this new little helper: NETOOX now automatically requests a "disposition notification" (= read receipt) when sending invoices to customers.

Custom Mail Signature Text

As you already know, NETOOX automatically generates eMail signatures for outgoing mails based on your profile data. Now you can also add some custom text to eMail signatures!

Remember: Use the "My (business/product) signature" placeholder in eMail templates to have NETOOX replace it with your personal profile image, contact information and (new) optional custom text.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

[de] Werbung per SMS

SMS-Kampagnen haben annährend 100% Öffnungs-Rate!

Jeder Unternehmer muss sich laufend folgende Frage stellen:
Wie informiere ich möglichst gezielt, möglichst viele Kontakte möglichst günstig?

Kontakte (d.h. Adressen) kannst du über verschiedene Wege finden. Eine Möglichkeit ist, sogenannte "Leads" zu kaufen: Menschen sind permanent auf der Suche nach neuen Produkten und Dienstleistungen. Lead-Agenturen nehmen die Kontaktinformationen dieser Interessenten über Websites entgegen und leiten diese dann an dich weiter - gegen Gebühr natürlich, denn die Werbung und Dienstleistung verursacht Kosten und hat ja für dich auch einen hohen Wert!

Jetzt hast du also - auf welche Art auch immer - eine ganze Menge Kontakte gesammelt und in deinem NETOOX-Adressbuch abgespeichert. Diese Kontakte haben Geld gekostet und du hast damit Zeit verbracht sie zu bearbeiten. Egal ob jemand sofort Interesse an deinen Lösungen bekundet, oder zum Zeitpunkt der Eintragung akut keinen Bedarf hat: Wichtig ist, dass du ALLE deine Kontakte regelmäßig mit Informationen zu deinen Produkten oder Dienstleistungen auf dem Laufenden hältst.
Informiere alle deine Kontakte regelmäßig!
Aber wie? 

Eine einfache, kostengünstige und schnelle Möglichkeit ist, regelmäßige Newsletter zu versenden. Also E-Mails an die Kontakte, von denen du E-Mail-Adressen gespeichert hast und die sich über Infos von dir freuen. Wie du weißt, hast du mit dem Newsletter-Tool in NETOOX dafür ein extrem praktisches Werkzeug zur Verfügung, kannst auch Statistiken auswerten und alle "Tracking-Infos" werden automatisch wieder in dein NETOOX-Adressbuch eingespielt (Details dazu in dieser Video-Playlist).
Verglichen mit den Kosten von Briefen, Postkarten oder anderen Offline-Werbemaßnahmen, sind Newsletter extrem günstig UND mit dem richtigen Werkzeug an der Hand auch extrem einfach umzusetzen.

ABER: Wenn du damit schon Erfahrungen gesammelt hast, dann wird dir auch auffallen, dass bei jedem Newsletter nur eine gewisse Prozentzahl von Empfängern deine Informationen auch tatsächlich öffnen und lesen (das weißt du natürlich nur, wenn du auch entsprechende Statistiken geliefert bekommst - so wie eben im NETOOX Newsletter Tool!). Der Grund dafür ist auch recht einfach: Postfächer sind teilweise voll, Newsletter gehen in der Flut von E-Mails unter, nicht jeder hat Zeit deinen Newsletter genau jetzt zu lesen, u.v.m. Daraus ergibt sich eine statistische Kennzahl, die man "Open-Rate" (also "Öffnungs-Rate") nennt.
Im Schnitt erreicht man hier nur einige wenige Prozent!

Sollte man sich daher Newsletter überhaupt sparen? Nein. Wie schon gesagt ist der Newsletterversand so einfach, schnell und günstig, dass es sich durchaus lohnt, regelmäßig an bspw. 1000 Kontakte zu senden wenn davon auch nur 50 das E-Mail öffnen! Und übrigens: Diese Zahlen sind bei Postversand auch nicht besser (!) - aber VIEL teurer...

Es gibt aber auch eine andere Möglichkeit, bei deinen Kontakten im Gedächtnis zu bleiben: SMS.

Ja, SMS-Versand ist in der Regel etwas teurer als der Newsletter-Versand. ABER es gibt verschiedene Statistiken die zeigen, dass nahezu 100% aller verschickten SMS von den Empfängern gelesen werden! Das ist, im Vergleich zu 2 bis 4 Prozent beim Newsletterversand eine fast unglaubliche Zahl! Denke einfach mal an dich selbst: Wenn dein Mobiltelefon piepst, schaust du dann nach und liest die Nachricht? Selbst wenn du das Telefon gerade gar nicht dabei hast (ich weiß, das ist unwahrscheinlich ;)) - du siehst die Nachricht später und löschst sie sicher nicht, ohne sie zuvor gelesen zu haben. So bist du also selbst schon das beste Beispiel dafür, dass praktisch alle verschickten SMS auch "echt gut ankommen".
SMS werden zu annähernd 100% gelesen!
NETOOX bietet dir auch hierfür eine sehr einfach zu bedienende Möglichkeit. Genau wie beim E-Mail-Versand selektierst du die Empfänger, schreibst dein kurzes Info-SMS (auch personalisiert!) und sendest mit 1 Klick beliebig viele SMS ab. Der Versand ist im Betreuungsverlauf jedes Empfängers protokolliert und du kannst davon ausgehen, dass deine Nachrichten gelesen werden! Natürlich kannst du in SMS keine Romane schreiben - ein SMS hat ja nur maximal rund 150 Zeichen - aber der Effekt, dass du bei deinen Kontakten im Gedächtnis bleibst, ist dennoch enorm. 150 Zeichen sind genug um auf Neuigkeiten und deine Homepage hinzuweisen - und damit ist dein Werbeziel schon perfekt erreicht!

Noch ein Wort zu den SMS-Kosten: Heutzutage hat im Europäischen Raum fast jeder ein (nationales) SMS-Paket in der Grundgebühr des Mobilfunkvertrages enthalten und kommt mit den monatlichen Limits auch problemlos aus. Für einen Massenversand aus einer Online-Anwendung wie NETOOX ist das allerdings (leider) nicht geeignet. So gibt es hierfür Anbieter, die einen (internationalen) SMS-Massenversand ermöglichen und auch entsprechende Online-Schnittstellen zur Verfügung stellen, über die das NETOOX-System deine Nachrichten an deine Kontakte senden kann. Diese Dienstleister haben klarerweise dafür SMS-Kosten und verlangen Gebühren für den Service. In NETOOX haben wir hier einen (vergleichsweise) günstigen Anbieter ins Boot holen können, der internationalen Massen-SMS-Versand anbieten kann. Auf diese Art kommen wir auf günstige  €0,1 pro SMS - also SEHR günstig ... speziell wenn du an die effektive Open-Rate denkst!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Forward Design

If you already have a domain name linked to and available in NETOOX, you can now easily forward visitors to any external page.

Click the CMS icon next to the new "Forward Design", enter the web address your visitors should see and hit the SAVE button. That's it!

On this new design you can also add domain names and your own google analytics code if you like.

Note: To find out how to link any domain name to NETOOX to make it available for all the different NETOOX and group designs, please visit the online help system in NETOOX.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

PrintAssist Update

Not directly a NETOOX feature, this update to the PrintAssist service introduces a new possibility inspired by NETOOXers and important to know for everyone: Paper type selection.

In the 3rd and final step of a PrintAssist order, you can now select one of the premium papers available. This is currently possible for business cards and letter head orders and includes some premium paper types for the perfect first impression you wish to convey to your clients.

PrintAssist also shows a preview of the selected paper type and even a detailed zoomed image (by hovering the mouse pointer over the paper type preview) to see the exact structure of the paper surface.

PrintAssist is available for all major network marketing brands and also a very popular solution for small and medium sized enterprises who wish to reduce costs for standard prints in the corporate design (like business cards, letter heads, flyers, folders, envelopes, ...). Setup of a branded PrintAssist solution for your company is now available for only €199,- and includes a business card and letter head implementation in your corporate design. Anything you can find in our extensive product catalog can be implemented to be available and customizable. With your PrintAssist you don't have any running costs, any other obligations or fees. You only pay for the actual printing costs no matter how many personalized orders you place. So start saving money TODAY! Find out more at

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

[en] Improved Time-Picker

Now you can quickly pick begin and end times for appointments you create in your NETOXX address book!

Click one of the little clock symbols on the LEFT to select the start time and on the RIGHT to select the end time of the appointment.

Here's an example: You wish to create a new appointment from 8 to 9 in the morning. Click these two icons and you're done:

Note: This is available in the create/edit appointment dialog in your NETOOX address book when scheduling an appointment with one of your contacts.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

[de] Desktop-Benachrichtigungen

Desktop-Benachrichtigungen erinnern dich an Termine im NETOOX-Kalender!

Die Aktivierung von Desktop-Benachrichtigungen ist ganz einfach:

  1. Installiere das kostenlose Firefox-Addon "Tab notifier". Dies ist nötig, damit der Firefox Browser rechts unten (bei der Uhrzeit) Desktop-Benachrichtigungen anzeigen kann.
    Link zum Addon:
    (auf "Zu Firefox hinzufügen" klicken)
  2. Besuche deinen NETOOX Kalender und klicke auf den Button "Desktop-Benachrichtigungen aktivieren":
  3. und dann in der erscheinenden, gelben Leiste oben auf "Erlauben":

Und schon bekommst du automatisch 10 Minuten vor jedem Termin eine Desktop-Benachrichtigung auf deinem Bildschirm angezeigt!

Übrigens: Wegklicken kannst du diese Benachrichtigungen ganz einfach über das X-Symbol:

Ein Zitat aus der NETOOX-Testgruppe, die diese Desktop-Benachrichtitungen schon getestet haben:
Diese Funktion ist ein wahrer Effizienz-Booster! Ich habe meine Arbeitsweise komplett umgestellt, weil ich nun automatisch an Termine erinnert werde auch wenn ich gerade an anderen Dingen am Computer arbeite.

Hinweise: Voraussetzung für die Anzeige von Desktop-Benachrichtigungen ist, dass du im Firefox in deinem NETOOX-Konto angemeldet bist. Diese Funktion ist auch in Google Chrome nutzbar (ohne extra Plugin) - wir empfehlen für NETOOX aber den Mozilla Firefox Browser!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

[en] New Features

With today's system update we publish several cool features! Here's an overview:

Adress Book: Company

All contacts in your address book now have a new field "Company" which you can fill with the name of the organization the person works for. This will also show up in the search result list and you can search your address book for companies.
Use the field "Label" to set a special display-name if required (e.g. "Team Jane & John Mullen").

Invoicing: Quotes

Now you can not only create invoices and credits, but also quotes. Simply set up one or more templates of type "Quote" and then create vouchers as usual. Cool.

Address Book: Send EMails

When you send emails from your NETOOX address book, instead of the email preview window, you can now open a new dialog that lets you change the subject and body text before sending the email! Of course the red send-button is still available and sends the email out immediately.

[de] Neue Funktionen

Mit dem heutigen Systemupdate veröffentlichen wir einige coole neue Features!
Hier ein Überblick:

Adressbuch: Firma

Alle Kontakte im Adressbuch haben nun ein neues Feld "Firma", in das du den Namen des Unternehmens schreiben kannst, bei dem die Person tätig ist. Dieser wird auch im Suchergebnis separat angezeigt und natürlich kannst du auch dein Adressbuch danach durchsuchen.
Das bisherige Feld "Beschriftung" wurde auf "Anzeigename" umbenannt. Hier kannst du (bei Bedarf) den Namen der Person eingeben, wie du ihn angezeigt haben möchtest (z.B. "Team Franz & Susi Müller" oder dgl.).

Rechnungslegung: Angebote

Du kannst nun nicht nur Rechnungen und Gutschriften, sondern auch Angebote erstellen! Einfach Vorlage(n) für den Typ "Angebot" anlegen und dann wie üblich dazu Belege ausstellen. Genial.

Adressbuch: E-Mails senden

Anstelle der E-Mail-Vorschau beim Versand aus dem Adressbuch, öffnet sich nun ein neues Dialogfenster, in dem du Betreff und Text des E-Mails vor dem Versand auch noch bei Bedarf anpassen kannst! Der rote Mail-Versand-Button steht natürlich weiterhin zur Verfügung und verschickt das E-Mail sofort.

Monday, September 24, 2012

[en] Excel-Export of Addresses

NEW: Directly export address book entries to an Excel file!

With today's system update we introduce extended export features. Now you can export contacts from the collection list to these formats:

  • CSV  ... (comma separated values)
  • CSV for Excel ... (CSV formatted for Excel)
    • supports 2 character encodings: ISO-8859 for Europe/USA, UTF-8 = international
  • Excel ... Export as .xls file

2 spreadsheets are generated in the Excel export file:
  1. contacts ... all address and contact data of the exported entries
  2. contactPoints ... all contact history entries (manual/email) of the exported contacts (linked to contacts via column "id")
Happy NETOOXing!

Your NETOOX Team

[de] Excel Adress-Export

NEU: Adressbuch-Einträge direkt in Excel-Datei exportieren!

Mit heutigem Systemupdate gehen auch erweiterte Export-Möglichkeiten online. Du kannst nun die Kontakte in der Sammelliste in folgende Formate exportieren:

  • CSV  ... (komma-getrennte Werte als Text-Datei)
  • CSV für Excel ... (CSV speziell für Excel formatiert)
    • 2 versch. Zeichen-Codierungen: ISO-8859 für Europa/USA, UTF-8 = international
  • Excel ... Direktexport als .xls Datei

Im Excel-Export werden 2 Tabellenblätter erstellt:
  1. contacts ... Alle Adressdaten der exportierten Kontakte
  2. contactPoints ... Alle Betreuungsverlaufseinträge (manuell/E-Mail) der Kontakte
    • Verknüpfung zu Kontakten über Spalte "id" möglich!
Happy NETOOXing wünscht dir

Dein NETOOX Team

Friday, September 14, 2012

[de] Vom ersten Klick zum Power-User


Alle Aufzeichnungen der bisherigen Webinare findest du in dieser YouTube Playlist.
Der weitere Webinarplan steht HIER zur Verfügung.


Du hast noch Fragen zu den bereits besprochenen Themen?

Dann nutze diese Chance: Sende uns deine Fragen JETZT!

Wir stellen ein eigenes Support-Webinar zusammen und geben kompetente Auskunft zu den aktuellsten Themen. So wirst auch du zum NETOOX Power-User!

Schreib uns via Support-Tool oder per E-Mail an

Dein NETOOX Team

Monday, September 3, 2012

[en] NEW: Batch Processing

Efficient contact management in a new dimension:

With these new features you can execute operations on lists of contacts!

Now you can perform the following actions on contacts in your collection list. Save many clicks and even more time: No need to open each contact individually:
  • Hide contact
  • Unhide contact
  • Delete contact
  • Add tag(s)
  • Remove tag(s)
Note: Find instructions on how to use the "collection list" in the NETOOX online help system. 

This new feature enables you to execute important actions with a mouse click on as many "collected" contacts as you like!

Some practical examples:
  • You inadvertently import the wrong file of contacts and want to delete them again. Simple filter your address book by the tag that is automatically set for each import (tag starts with "import"!), put all found contacts into the collection list and use the "Delete contacts" operation.
  • Filter the address book entries on certain properties (e.g. special words in the contact history) and hide those contacts.
  • Want to rename a tag? No need to open each contact and rewrite the tag: Use the tag filter of your address book, put all contacts into the collection list, use "Remove tag(s)" with the old tag name and "Add tag(s)" with the new tag name. Done.
  • and so on...

Thursday, August 30, 2012

[de] NEU: Stapelverarbeitung von Kontakten

Effiziente Kontaktverwaltung in einer neuen Dimension: 
Mit diesen neuen Funktionen führst du Operationen auf ganze Listen von Kontakten aus!

Du kannst nun folgende Operationen auf Kontakte in der Sammelliste ausführen und ersparst dir so das Öffnen jedes einzelnen Kontaktes, viele Klicks und jede Menge Zeit:
  • Kontakte ausblenden
  • Kontakte einblenden
  • Kontakte löschen
  • Tag(s) hinzufügen
  • Tag(s) entfernen
Hinweis: Eine Anleitung zur Verwendung der "Sammelliste" findest du in der NETOOX Online-Hilfe. 

Diese neue Funktion gibt dir die Möglichkeit, wichtige Aktionen auf beliebig viele "gesammelte" Kontakte mit einem Klick anwenden zu können!

Einige Beispiele aus der Praxis
  • Du importierst versehentlich 150 falsche Kontakte aus einer Datei und möchtest diese wieder Löschen. Filtere dazu dein Adressbuch einfach nach dem Tag, der beim Import automatisch vergeben wird (beginnt mit "import"!), gib alle so gefundenen Kontakte in die Sammelliste und verwende dann die Operation "Kontakte löschen".
  • Du filterst die Kunden in deinem Adressbuch nach gewissen Eigenschaften (zB. dem Vorkommen gewisser Wörter im Betreuungsverlauf) und blendest diese Kontakte aus.
  • Du möchtest einen Tag umbenennen: Anstelle jeden Kontakt mit dem Tag einzeln zu öffnen und umzuschreiben, durchsuchst du einfach das komplette Adressbuch nach dem Tag, gibst alle Kontakte in die Sammelliste, entfernst den Tag mit dem jetzigen Namen und fügst anschließend einen neuen Tag mit dem neuen Namen hinzu.
  • u.s.w...

[de] NETOOX Verbesserungen

Mit dem heutigen System-Update veröffentlichen wir viele Verbesserungen, die dir bei deiner Arbeit helfen werden!

Hier ist ein Überblick über einige der neuen Funktionen und Möglichkeiten, die übrigens teilweise von NETOOX Nutzern vorgeschlagen wurden :)


1) Du kannst nun direkt im Adressbuch von einem geöffneten Kontakt weg eine neue Rechnung/Gutschrift erstellten. Das spart dir mehrere Klicks und die Suche nach dem Kontakt, da du nicht mehr selbst das Rechnungslegungsmodul öffnen und dort den Namen eintippen brauchst!

2) Vorlagen-Vorschau: Hast du eine Vorlage für Rechnung oder Gutschrift zusammengestellt, kannst du dir nun eine Vorschau generieren lassen um zu sehen, wie ein Rechnungs-PDF aussehen wird. Für die Vorschau werden als Rechunngsempfänger deine eigenen Daten eingesetzt, eine zufällige Rechungsnummer verwendet und 3 Beispiel-Zeilen angeführt.


Einige Hilfe-Links betreffen Detail-Themen, die Teil einer größeren Hilfe-Seite sind. Diese Details werden nun sofort angezeigt und gelb hinterlegt hervorgehoben, wenn du einen Hilfe-Link anklickst. So brauchst du die für dich momentan relevanten Informationen nicht mehr extra auf der ganzen Seite suchen.

... und viele andere Optimierungen, Korrekturen und Verbesserungen an mehreren Stellen im System!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

25,- Credit Bonus (!)

In yesterday's (German) webinar, we looked at some of the reasons why NETOOX uses a prepaid account:

  • No minimum contract duration for "ESSENTIALS" service or modules 
  • Service / modules / group memberships can't expire when you are on vacation as long as you have enough credit on the Pay-As-You-Go account
  • Micro payments for mass mails, newsletters, text messages (SMS), ...
  • Affiliate commissions and group membership fees are transferred to your PAYG account automatically
  • ...
You can find your settings and account details in Settings > Pay-As-You-Go.

To first set up your account, go to Billing Details and enter your desired billing address and currency. If your business is located in the EU, you can also enter your official VAT-ID number if you have one.

To load more credit onto the Pay-As-You-Go account, simply go to Pay-As-You-Go Account and click one of the buttons. This generates a new invoice which you can instantly pay using Paypal / your credit card and download the invoice PDF in Invoices.

To get an overview of the monthly costs, visit Service & Modules. The sum shown at the bottom will be deducted from your PAYG account on the 1st of each month.

If you have a NETOOX coupon code, you can redeem it in Redeem Coupon. This will add the coupon's amount of days to your NETOOX ESSENTIALS service or one of the modules (depending on the coupon).

In Prices you can get an overview of the NETOOX price list including all service / module and volume-dependent fees.

NEW 25,- Credit Bonus

Most NETOOX users load €/$/CHF 100,- or more onto the Pay-As-You-Go account to ensure none of the services, modules or group memberships expire.

To all our users we want to say THANK YOU for your loyalty and reward you with this new bonus:

Reload €/CHF/$ 250,- at once and GET €/CHF/$ 25,- EXTRA BONUS added to your Pay-As-You-Go account!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Search Booster - More Speed!

With yesterday's database update we proudly introduce a new search engine for

  • manual & form contact history entries
  • group wiki search
  • group wall postings filter
  • notifications filter
  • messages filter
This drastically improves filtering speeds when searching for entire words (e.g. "online") or beginnings of words using a trailing * (e.g. "onli*"). 

Type in multiple words (separated by spaces) to find entries matching all of the words (=AND filter).

We also refactored the database of the address book tags to speed up tag search, the tag cloud and tag suggestions. You can also use wildcards on tag filters (e.g. "*work*")!

Filter thousands of entries in a blink of an eye - Enjoy the new speed :)

Your NETOOX team

Friday, August 17, 2012

[de] Webinarreihe "Vom ersten Klick zum Power-User" gestartet

Die Aufzeichnung des gestrigen, ersten Webinars in der Reihe ist nun verfügbar!
Setup - Aller Anfang ist leicht!
Du findest das Video

Der aktuelle Webinarplan ist immer aktuell auf der NETOOX Homepage zu finden. 
Damit du über Terminänderungen informiert wirst, solltest du uns auch auf Facebook und Google+ folgen!

Beste Grüße,
Dein NETOOX Team

Friday, August 3, 2012

Mark Contact-History Entries as Favorites

Today's system update brings you a nifty little feature:
Mark contact-history entries as favorites and keep them at the top!

Simply click the "star" icon to mark the entry as a favorite. It will then always be on page 1 at the top of the contact history. You can even mark several entries as favorites if you like. Clicking the star again (and thereby removing the "favorite" status) puts the entry back into the history according to its timestamp.

You can mark manual entries and form entries as favorites and keep the most important notes or form values on page 1 where you can't miss them and get the quickest access possible.

Enjoy :)
Your NETOOX Team

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

"Mass Mail" NETOOX EMail Template

Another request from several NETOOX users has been turned into a useful, efficient tool:
Send personalized EMails to multiple recipients.

There were already 2 ways in NETOOX to efficiently send EMails to address book entries.
  • Single Mail ... Open a contact's profile in the address book and quickly send out a personalized mail from a template with a single click
  • Newsletter ... Prepare the newsletter, select recipients from your address book and send the newsletter. This is an ideal solution to efficiently inform hundreds or thousands of contacts and also gives you newsletter delivery statistics.
But something was missing... 

Sometimes it would be very useful to send out personalized EMails (from templates defined either by the user or by a group) to several recipients with a single click. A solution is required, that fills the gap between single mails (where the user has to open one recipient after the other and send out mails one by one) and newsletters (with possibly thousands of recipients). A solution to send - let's say - 10 or 30 or 50 mails at once, right from the user's mail account and at extremly low costs.

That's where the new "Mass Mail" feature comes in!

It's really easy:
  1. Collect the recipients in the "collection list" just like you would for exporting, sending newsletters or text messages (see the online help pages in NETOOX if you don't know how to do this)
  2. Click the "Send EMail Template" link to open the dialog
  3. Pick the EMail template you would like to send
    • Your own templates as well as all templates provided by groups are available
    • You can alter the subject and mail body if you like (this does not change the template itself, just the mail contents for this mass send)
  4. Hit "Send Emails" and you're done!
Things to know:
  • Only EMail templates are available that do NOT contain placeholders for next appointment, links to online infos or links to paypal payments (invoicing module)
  • Of course, file attachments defined in the EMail template are sent along
  • Don't break any placeholders or the emails will be faulty!
  • This feature is available for collection lists with not more than 100 contacts
  • Micro fees for mass mailing apply (see list of prices in Settings > Pay-As-You-Go > Prices)
  • Important: Don't overuse this feature to avoid your mail account being marked as a "spammer" (!)

You can use this new possibilty to efficiently
  • invite multiple contacts to join you on NETOOX
  • send the latest product information folder to your active customers
    (remember: file attachments defined in the template are sent along!)
  • inform contacts about upcoming events or changes
  • ...
Enjoy! - And let us know what you think by posting your comments below :)

Your NETOOX Team

Monday, July 30, 2012

Get instant notifications about new leads via E-Mail and SMS

With today's system update we introduce a new feature requested by our valued users:
Instant notifications about new lead-signups via E-Mail and/or text message (SMS).

So far NETOOX generated NETOOX notifications when new leads signed up. These notifications are still available and you can quickly jump to new leads by clicking on the notifications. Perfect for when you are currently logged and working in NETOOX. As you also already know: All unread notifications are sent to your once per day via EMail.

The option to also get an appointment / todo added to your calendar / todo list has been available in NETOOX for some time now. This is - of course - also still available.

And here's whats NEW:

Additionally, you can now chose to receive an EMail as soon as a new lead signes up. This mail contains the most important personal data of the lead, the date and time of the signup as well as the source domain name AND a direct link to the lead in your NETOOX address book. (*)

And you can select to get an instant notification about new signups via text message (SMS). The message includes the name, email and phone number so you can quickly contact new leads from your smart phone even when you are on the go. (*)

You can find the new settings in Settings > Profile > My Account in the "Recruiting" section.

Users can facilitate the new features to reduce response times and get in touch with new leads almost instantly. Enjoy!

Your NETOOX Team :)

(*) Micro fees apply per notification.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

[de] NETOOX Rechnungslegung

Heute startet das neue NETOOX-Modul "Rechungslegung"!

Für jede Unternehmerin und jeden Unternehmer ist es wichtig, effizient Ausgangsrechnungen legen und alle offenen Posten stets im Überblick zu haben. Daher sind wir sehr stolz das neue NETOOX-Modul "Rechnungslegung" präsentieren zu dürfen!

Mit dem Rechnungslegungs-Tool kannst du:

  • Belege an jeden Adressbucheintrag ausstellen
  • Zahlungseingänge verbuchen
  • Ratenzahlungen festlegen
  • Offene Posten anzeigen
  • Wiederkehrende Rechnungen anlegen
  • Vorlagen für Belege und E-Mails anlegen
  • Deinen Kunden Zahlung mittels PayPal anbieten
  • Häufig verkaufte Produkte im Produktkatalog speichern und mit 1 Klick wiederverwenden
  • Belege per E-Mail versenden (inkl. Protokoll)
  • u.v.m.

Weiters signiert NETOOX alle erstellen PDFs mit einem digitalen Signaturzertifikat, alle Belege sind auch im Betreuungsverlauf der Kontakte eingereiht und einen schnellen Überblick über offene Forderungen bekommst du am NETOOX Dashboard. Das Rechnungslegungs-Modul ist also vollständig und nahtlos in deine NETOOX-Arbeitsumgebung integriert!

Eine umfassende Webinar-Aufzeichnung findest du hier:

Unser Tipp: Sieh dir das oben angeführte Video an und lerne das Rechnungslegungstool im Detail kennen. So startest du durch wie ein Profi.

Praxisnahe und durchdachte Werkzeuge helfen dir, deine tägliche Arbeit effizient zu gestalten und administrative Zeiträuber aus deinem Leben zu verbannen. Das NETOOX-Modul "Rechnungslegung" ist genau so ein Werkzeug!

(Hinweis: Vorerst startet das Rechnungslegungs-Modul auf Deutsch - daher heute ein Deutscher Blog-Beitrag ;) ... in den nächsten Tagen kommen die Englischen Übersetzungen nach!)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

NETOOX Dashboard

With this new feature, you get the ultimate overview of all the important things happening in your NETOOX account!

  • Contacts' activities (New contacts, Online Info starts & finishes, ..)
  • Updates in your networks (New teampartners, charts, ..)
  • News in your groups (New wall postings, ..)
  • Your appointments of the day
  • Your NETOOX service (incl. early warning system)
  • and more...

To open the NETOOX Dashboard, simply click the NETOOX logo left of the main menu!

Your NETOOX Team

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Adressbuch Änderungen | Address Book Changes

[GERMAN]     (see ENGLISH below!)

Wir haben in den letzten Wochen an einigen Umbauten im Hintergrund gearbeitet, um NETOOX noch flexibler für die Zukunft zu machen. Eine davon bewirkt auch eine Änderung des Adressbuchs. Hier erfährst du mehr:

NETOOX ist ein optimiertes Werkzeug für jeden im Network und Multi Level Marketing. Dabei typisch  ist, dass man generell 3 verschiedene Arten von Kontakten im Adressbuch gespeichert hat:

  1. Geschäftsinteressenten ... Interesse an der Geschäftsmöglichkeit, die du bietest
  2. Produktinteressenten / Kunden ... Interesse an oder Anwender deiner Produkte
  3. "Einfache" Kontakte ... Freunde, Familie, persönliche Kontakte, ...
Diese 3 Kontakttypen sind eigentlich sehr ähnlich: Jeder davon könnte an einer Online Info Interesse haben, du möchtest Termine mit ihr/ihm vereinbaren, du musst personalisierte E-Mails versenden u.s.w.

Daher haben wir nun gewisse Dinge umgestellt um die Kontaktverwaltung noch klarer zu machen:

Adressbuch Filter vorher:

Jetzt: Einfach!

Wie zuvor auch, werden die verschiedenen Profile als Registerkarten angezeigt wo du nun auch den Profilstatus (Interessent, Aktiv, Passiv) einstellen kannst:

Um ein weiteres Profil hinzuzufügen, klicke auf die Registerkarte mit dem + Symbol (wenn verfügbar).
Du kannst ein Profil nun auch löschen (Achtung: gespeicherte Daten des Profils wie z.B. Online-Info-Fortschritt, Recruiting-Quelle und dgl. werden dabei unwiderruflich gelöscht). 

Zusätzlich kannst du nun auch Online Infos für "einfache" Kontakte anlegen - genau wie du das auch für Geschäfts- und Produktinteressenten machst.

Noch ein Hinweis: Das alte "Produktziele"-Feld wurde in den Betreuungsverlauf transferiert. So kannst du nun sogar dein Adressbuch nach Kunden mit spezifischen Zielen durchsuchen - besonders praktisch um z.B. Newsletter an Zielgruppen zu senden!



We have been working on some significant refactoring in the background to make NETOOX even more flexible for the future. One of these changes also has an impact on the address book front end you are already using. Here's how:

NETOOX is a very nifty tool for anyone in network and multi level marketing who typically has 3 major types of contacts stored in the address book:
  1. Business leads ... interested in the business opportunity you have to offer
  2. Product leads / Customers ... interested in or already using your products
  3. "Simple" contacts ... friends, family, people you know personally, ...
These 3 types are actually very similar: Each one might be interested in an Online Info, you might want to schedule appointments with him/her, you need to send out personalized EMails and so on.

That's why we changed a few things around to make contact management task more straight forward:

Address book filter before:

Now: Easy!

Like before, the different profiles (like business, product, ...) are shown as tabs where you can now also find the profile "status": Lead, Active or Passive

To add another profile, click the + tab (if available).
You can now also delete a profile (Attention: saved profile information like the Online Info progress, recruiting source and so on are deleted permanently).

Additionally, you can now also create Online Infos for "simple contacts" the same way you do for business and product leads. 

Also note: The old "product goals" field has been transferred to the contact history. This way you can now even search your address book for customers with specific goals. This is very cool for example to send out newsletters to specific target groups!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Statistical Evaluations for Your Forms

The "Forms" module in your NETOOX account gives you the possibility to create forms and then collect structured data right in the contact history of your address book entries.

Now you can easily create statistical evaluations of the collected data!

First let's look at how to create and use forms:

1) Create your own forms for whatever data you would like to collect. The easy form-editor allows you to add and edit form fields and re-arrange the form using drag & drop. You can create fields with many different data types (texts, numbers, dates, checkboxes, radio buttons, dropdown lists). For fields with selectable options you can also edit and re-arrange the possible values quickly and easily. Once you are happy with your form, you can collect data in your address book.

Form Editor

2) When you are a member of one or several groups, they can also provide forms for you. You can start collecting data using those forms right away.

You can now open a contact in your NETOOX address book and fill out the form:

Collect data in form
You can fill out a form as many times as you like. E.g. if you collect the body weight of your customers, you might want to save the weight once every week: Simply fill out the same form many times. No matter which form or how many times you fill it out, it all gets stored in the contact history and you can also find and filter your address book entries according to forms.

Collected form data in contact history

Data Evaluation

Once you have collected some data, the evaluation feature allows you to get statistics and charts. Here are some samples of a (German) weight loss form:

Evaluating single contact with body weight chart

Evaluating selected options (e.g. checkboxes, dropdown)

Note that you can evaluate the data for a single contact (e.g. change of body weight over time) OR for a list of contacts (e.g. "how many people like the chocolate flavor"). You can also nicely print out the stats to give to your customers or file offline.

With this tool it is very easy to quickly get an overview and statistically evaluate the structured data you collect. The online help page of the evaluation feature explains all details, features and switches you can use to optimize the calculations and visualizations to match your needs (here it is as a PDF).

If you don't have a NETOOX account yet, get yours here.

Have a great day,
Your NETOOX Team

Friday, June 1, 2012

Public Group News & Feeds

Group contents are only visible to group members - except for the group's dashboard. Here you can describe your group and interested people can get a quick overview what your group has to offer. That includes, for example, the amount of wiki pages, EMail templates, forms, online infos, homepage previews and so on.

Now you can also publish news on the group's dashboard: Simply mark a wall posting as "news" and it will show up on the public group dashboard for everyone to see! Even with voice and video messages :)

1) Mark posting as news:
2) It shows up on the group's dashboard:

Note: The possibility to mark postings as news is available for all "postings admins" (see the group membership's admin rights options).

News are shown on the group's dashboard on the right side. With this new feature you can show off the most important things happening in your group which will help you in marketing your group to get more members to join. Remember: These news are public, for every user to see.

All group news are also available via public news feeds! Click the "Subscribe" link on the dashboard (next to the title "News") to get the feed for this group or right-click and copy the feed-address to send to your contacts.

We wish you many thousands of group members!
Your NETOOX Team

Thursday, May 24, 2012

"Send Date": Plan Newsletters In Advance

One of the many popular business features of NETOOX is the abilty to send newsletters via a professional e-marketing provider. Users even get detailled tracking statistics delivered right back into their NETOOX account and bounces / unsubscribes are also handled automatically.

Up until now, those newsletters were queued for delivery as soon as one clicked the "Send newsletter" button. With today's NETOOX update we introduce "Send date": Pick a date in the future and NETOOX will prepare your newsletter and send it whenever you would like! To send the newsletter immediately, simply leave that field empty (Note: entering a date in the past will also send the newsletter as soon as you click "Send newsletter").

There are several really good reasons why you should think about picking send dates for your newsletters. Here are just two:

  1. Usually people don't have time to read your newsletter right when YOU have time to send them. Maybe you work in the evening or on the weekend. Maybe you finish preparing your newsletter around noon time when the recipients are out for lunch. Imagine this example: It's Friday night und you just finished writing and awesome newsletter to your customers and send it out right away. Most of the recipients have already left their workplace and gone home for the weekend. On Monday morning they check their email: they have received many messages over the weekend from different companies, friends, and so on. Your newsletter simply gets deleted on busy Monday mornings. That was certainly not the point of you spending time and putting effort into a well written, nice looking newsletter.
    Our tip: Only send newsletters on Mondays after noon, Tuesdays to Thursdays before or after noon and Fridays before noon. This way you will reach the most recipients. Use the new "send date" to schedule the actual delivery for those times. Also take the geographical locations of the recipients into account (your afternoon might be someone's night) and split the list of recipients up into separate newsletters accordingly.
  2. Advertising for your services and products is crucial for your success. That's why you should regularly inform your business and product leads about what you have to offer. An inexpensive, fast and easy way of doing this is by sending out newsletters - even when you are away on vaction! You can now prepare the messags and schedule their delivery. NETOOX will take care of everything even while you are enjoying your holidays.
We wish you the best of success and - in the words of email marketers - 100% deliverability :)

Your NETOOX Team

PrintAssist Integration

The latest update of introduced a new interface allowing external online solutions to pre-fill the personalization data. NETOOX has been updated for your convenience!

Visit Settings > Profile > My Profile in your NETOOX account and scroll to the bottom where you can find the PrintAssist integration links.

By clicking one of those links you will be taken to the according PrintAssist solution. Now you can get your prints in 3 quick steps:
  1. Pick a product and design template
  2. Edit your personalization data
    Note: Your NETOOX profile will be used to pre-fill the personalization options - even your portrait photo will be transferred. Of course, if you want, you can modify everything.
  3. Check the print preview.
    If you don't already have a PrintAssist account, you can create one now. The user data fields will also be pre-filled with your NETOOX profile data.
    You can order the prints or the finished PDF for download.
With the PrintAssist's input fields pre-filled for you, you can order professional business cards, postcards, flyers, and more within seconds. Cool, right?

BTW: The first link labeled "Multi Level Marketing" provides generic templates without any company logo. PrintAssist also provides some  templates with QR-Codes. Those will be pre-set to your MECARD QR-Codes (see above) as well!

Have a great day!
Your NETOOX Team

Monday, May 21, 2012

Your Profile as vCard and QR-Code

You already know that NETOOX generates EMail signatures for you. Those are used in mails you send out from the NETOOX address book and you can download and use them in your EMail client program as well.

With todays update we added 2 more automatically generated files for you!


vCards are electronic business cards (file extension .vcf) that can be read with may different programs (Outlook, address managers, EMail clients, cell and smart phones, ...). Typically you would send a VCF file along with your EMails and recipients could then easily add your contact info to their address books.

NETOOX now generates vCard files for you to download and use howevery you like.
Tip: Download the file and add it to your NETOOX mail templates!


Surely you know thos sqare "bar codes" that are EVERYWHERE now. You can find them on billboards, in stores, on products, on the web, in newspapers, ... They are called "QR-Codes" and are popular because anyone with a cell or smart phone with an integrated camera can scan those codes. They sort of provide an interface between the offline world (on paper) and the online world on mobile devices.

The codes typically contain a phone number or an EMail address or a web address. BUT they can also contain an entire "business card" with your name, email, phone and web address. To encode all that information, the MECARD format has been invented.

Your NETOOX now also generates the MECARD texts for you. You can copy the generated MECARD text as it is OR copy the readily available QR-Code image and use it e.g. in your Word files or anywhere else where you want to give people a quick, easy and state-of-the-art way to get your profile data.

Tip: Copy the MECARD text into the according field of the business card design that has a QR-Code on the back at

Visit Settings > Profile > My Profile in your NETOOX account to get more info and the files!

PS: You can (and should) test out scanning your QR-Codes with your own phone! Apps for scanning QR-Codes are available in the app store of your smart phone's system (e.g. for Android devices you can use QR-Droid, on iPhones you can use Qrafter, ...). Tip: Simply scan the code right from your computer monitor :)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Newsletter Tool Updated

NETOOX provides a great newsletter tool for you to efficiently inform your leads and customers.

It comes with its own "Media Library", pre-fab newsletter templates for different topics/designs and nifty WYSIWYG editors to rapidly write and format your messages. No matter if you want to reach just a few, hundreds or thousands of recipients, with the NETOOX newsletter tool you can do just that.

NETOOX has an online interface to one of the world market leaders in E-Mail-Marketing. Newsletters you create and send with NETOOX's newsletter tool are sent via this provider and tracking statistics (open/click/bounce/unsubscribe rates) are transferred back to your NETOOX account for you to monitor and analyze. This provider has the technial ability to send hundreds of thousands of EMails in seconds, track recipients actions and ensures deliverability.

New Templates

We have now re-written the newsletter templates in NETOOX to support even more EMail client programs: Outlook, Thunderbird, Webmails, Smart Phones. Also: some users reported that the image alignment of images they embedded into the newsletter text did sometimes not come out properly on Microsoft Outlook clients. Todays NETOOX update fixes this issue as well. So, no matter what kind of tool your recipients use, they will get the best possible results.

Some users have requested "neutral" newsletter templates without any topical design. So we added 3 new generic templates with red, green and blue styles:
Enjoy the ease of the NETOOX newsletter tool and the new features!

All the best to you and your friends,
Your NETOOX Team

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Messaging Updated: New Features

Today's NETOOX update introduces an improved  messaging system and new features.

NETOOX "Messages" are a great way of communicating with your up/downline teampartners and other NETOOX users.
Why are NETOOX messages better than EMail? Imagine you have a downline of 300 teampartners and want to inform them about an important event. You could send out an email with 300 recipients - but how do you avoid EMail servers from marking you as a spammer and messing up your entire EMail communications in the future? And how do you get a quick overview of who read your message and who didn't? Not to mention all the replies you might get...
EMail is a great invention, but not the ideal solution for every situation. Communicating with your teampartners is one of those situations. Managing NETOOX messages is the easier and faster way to do this - and it keeps everything tidy in one place.

You can send a message to your entire downline (or just sub-sections) with a single click:

You can also send messages to NETOOX users. Easily find and pick the recipients, then write the message and send it out.

All recipients will get notified about new incoming messages directly in their NETOOX account (messages and notifications show up next to the main menu).

No matter if you send a message to a single person or hundreds of users, NETOOX provides you with a quick overview of who has actually read your message and when. Click the "22 recipients" link next to a message to see who received the message and who has read it:

Recipients can reply. All replies are listed neatly in the correct order right underneath your original message. Replies can be made out just to you (as the author of the root message) or ALL recipients. The latter allows you to have entire group conversations directly in NETOOX while still keeping control of who gets and reads what.

This should give you a quick overview of how NETOOX messages work and why it is the preferred way of many NETOOX users to communicate with others - especially their network teampartners.

Enjoy the new features!

Wishing you the best of success,